Dr Hilary Jones visits InterTech to take alook at the new development centre which is designed to showcase concepts and ideas for designing healthcare environments. The visit was to help with the production of a video explaining the concepts behind some of InterTech’s ideas. The video due out later this year will feature Dr Jones talking about some of the work InterTech are doing within the healthcare sector.
Dr Hilary Jones visits our concept showroom which features concept waiting area’s, innovative wash hand stations, department and zone visuals for improved comunication and many healthcare design features to offer a more calming environment for Hospitals.
Children’s pediatric reception area features pictures and artwork throughout the showroom which highlights and promotes a healthy, healing and uplifting environment. Discovering playful and hidden elements in the art provides a stress-relieving distraction for kids and families. Intertech Design Centre, NHS, June 14, 2013.
Pictures show Dr Hilary Jones on the day of the fliming at InterTech with the team from Classlane Media. On the day of the filming Dr Hilary was called in to cover some breaking news for ITV Daytime when on the same day a British soldier gave birth on the frontline in Afghanistan with no one knewing she was pregnant. The suprise delivery came after the solder went to medics complaining of stomach pains. Once Dr Hilary had finished his report he jumped on a train up to Hull from London to start filming at InterTech. After a very long day all the filming was completed by 9pm that evening.